StageToCast README ------------------ The StageToCast Windows XObject for Macromedia Director copies a portion of the stage into the clipboard. The user can then copy the content of the clipboard into a cast, thus getting the same result as with the Mac version of the XObject. The available methods are: mNew ---- This is the constructor of the XObject. Its parameters specify the dimension of the portion of the stage the user wants to copy. It is called by Lingo using the following syntax: put StageTC( mNew, top, left, bottom, right ) into STCObj The return value is 0 if the creation of the new instance was completed successfully, otherwise it is a negative number. mDispose -------- This method destroys an XObject instance. It requires no parameters. Note that the content of the clipboard is lost after calling mDispose. The Lingo syntax is: STCObj( mDispose ) The return value is 0 if the instance was correctly destroyed, otherwise it is a negative number. mGetHandle ---------- This call copies the specified portion of the stage to the clipboard. It requires no parameters. The Lingo syntax is: copyObj( mGetHandle ) After this, users can paste the result into a cast by using the following command: pasteclipboardinto cast "result_cast" The return value is 0 if the copy was successful, otherwise it is a negative number.